Once there is actual content in the wiki to link to, make the home page basically just the navigation menu on steroids. Add links to most major articles. Move to current home page to the About->Meta section.
Need to figure out taggging as we go. Will probably tag pages with the game type (ddr/pump/ddrsolo/etc), page type (guide, reference/data, manual, diagram, mod, repair, etc)
Meta page for markdown cheatsheet. - Linked to official wiki.js page on the about page
Spend an hour converting all paths to lowercase since some are and some arent. Whoops. nah
Create section on home page with articles for new cab owners at top
Change Meta section in navigation that links to /Meta and put links to meta pages on there. Will free up space.
Make proper contribution page under meta for guidelines
An entire list of compatible replacement parts models / specs / links
Simple guide to moving the cabinet, as in unplugging everything and separating all the parts, then putting it back together
Guide to "dualbooting"
Create bass neon wiring diagram
Make annotated version of official wiring diagram to improve user friendliness. Note that the official one is kind of wrong since Betson copied the Japanese manual and didn't note some of the changes in their cabinet
Different types of setups. When to use what combination of hardware. Aftermarket: STAC, LIT, ghettio, J-Pac, Pac Drive, LumenAr, Minimaid, etc. Scenarios: Missing P2IO/Python2, or EXT-IO, or stage IO boards, or pads, or main cabinet entirely
¶ Probably need to make more sections, such as a pad section, general upgrades, etc.
Full guide for your first cabinet
Being started by caldenza
I think this should start with a list of precautions or dos/donts for new buyers, general information that can help avoid causing problems or damage. i.e. how to avoid stripping screws and crossthreading, what to check before powering on a cab in unknown condition, minding the p1 p2 stage bridge, not going ham with power tools and overtightening, not using shitty bits with impact guns, etc